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Leadership on Res: Maya

  • Blog
  • 4 min read
  • Posted June 2023

Maya (3rd from left) with other Geelong Residential Leaders
Maya (3rd from left) with other Geelong Residential Leaders

Are you an aspiring leader or someone who wants to continue your leadership journey from High School?

Deakin Res offers excellent opportunities for this through our Residential Leader program, including a wide range of training, skills and experience, which will help you throughout studies and your career.

We caught up with Waurn Ponds Residential Leader Maya to learn about her leadership journey, as well as moving from Ballarat to Geelong for university.

  • How has it been moving from Ballarat to Geelong, and why did you decide to live on Res?

"Moving from Geelong was a big decision for me, as I loved living at home. I had lived in Ballarat my whole life and was actually considering commuting to Geelong when I was accepted into university. A last-minute decision to live on Res was one of the best choices I have ever made.

I chose Deakin Res because I wanted to be in easier access to university and also gain independence moving out of home. However, reflecting back on a year of Res, the friendships, memories and experiences I have gained is the reason why I love Res."

  • How are you finding the Residential Leader role, and can you tell us if your leadership experience in Highschool helped prepare you for it?  

"In 2022, I was elected to be a 2023 Residential Leader for Alfred Deakin College within Geelong Deakin Res, and this was a proud achievement of mine. I love being a leader, team player and a role model to other students, and enjoy being myself through the Res Leader role. The ability to gain confidence to talk to other students, work with other RL’s, and organise events has added an extra element to why I love Deakin Res.

In high school, my passion for leadership developed through many roles, such as a Student Representative Council member, a Peer Mentor and in year 12, College Captain. I loved working with others and representing my role to the school and wider community. The skills and abilities I gained from these roles, encouraged me to apply to be a Res Leader and have helped me each day since I accepted the role."

  • What has your Biomed degree been like so far, and what led you to study this?

"I chose to study Biomedical science as I have a passion for Biology and Chemistry, but also to help and care for others. I was lucky enough to do my high-school work experience with Fiona Elsey Cancer Research Institute in Ballarat, and this was a life-changing opportunity for myself. This provided me with a strong interest for cancer research, which is what I hope to do post-grad.

At the moment, my studies are intense, however, I am able to manage my studies with commitments and part-time jobs. I also have begun my major, Immunology, which is extremely interesting to me and enjoying it very much!"

  • Have there been any highlights of your studies so far? Placements, key learning moments etc.?

"Coming to Uni to study science has been amazing because of the facilities Deakin offers! I have loved working in the laboratory 2-3 times a week. Part of the reason I love science, is the hands on and practical components, where I can use my knowledge in an applied approach. This excites me to work in laboratory once I finish my degree."

  • What’s it like living on Res in Waurn Ponds? Any highlights in particular?

"I chose Waurn Ponds Res because it reminds me of Ballarat. The flora and fauna of both the University and Residence precinct makes me feel at home, as I come from a regional area. I couldn’t see myself living in a metropolitan city moving to Uni, and that’s why it was perfect that Deakin offers the Waurn Ponds campus, making me feel both comfortable and safe. The location provides lots of space, access to a wide range of services and even outdoor areas, where I can still pursue my love for running!"

  • What are you hoping to do once you finish your studies and any particular health setting/region you hope to work in?  

"As I mentioned before, I would love to see myself after my degree in an Immunological area of study. I am hoping after my degree, I can study a post-graduate unit in research, particular cancer. I would love to work in a clinical laboratory and take what I have learnt into practical research.

After a few years in this field, I am considering coming back to Deakin, and apply for Medical School, to hopefully become a doctor specialised in Immunology. I have still got a while until then, so for now, I’ll focus on my second-year units!"

  • What advice would you give for students considering living on Res and making the move to Geelong?

"Making the decision to move out of home can be hard. Whether University is 3 hours away or 45 minutes away from home, always consider living on Campus. Choosing Deakin Res is an experience I cannot describe in words. I have grown as a person, through adult-independence, new friendships, and life-changing opportunities by simply moving to Geelong. Deakin Res also supported me as a resident in many ways, making me feel safe, comfortable, and happy on Res, which is part of the reason why I love it.

All I would say to you is, if you are considering Res, do it because you will never experience something like this again."

You can learn more about our exciting Residential Leader program here. And if you'd like to visit Res in person, as well as seeing what's on offer at Deakin, come along to our Open Days in August.

Written by

Profile photo of author Sam Johnstone
Sam Johnstone Manager, Experience and Engagement

Sam Johnstone is Manager, Experience and Engagement at Deakin Residential Services. With a background in engagement and student experience roles across Deakin and the wider Higher Education sector, Sam is passionate about supporting students to reach their full potential.

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