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From Sale to the City - Kyson's life on Res

  • Blog
  • 3 min read
  • Posted June 2023

Making the move from regional Victoria to a city location can seem daunting for some, but Waterfront Res Leader Kyson reckons it's worth it. The convenience, vibrancy and fun are just some of the benefits he's enjoying!

We caught up with Kyson to hear how he's enjoying life at our Geelong Waterfront campus:

·        How have you found the move from Sale to Geelong for uni, and why did you decide to live on Res?

The move from Sale to Geelong is a big one, but not one that I regret. Living on res is a given if you want to receive the full uni experience, making friends that you can study, cook, and live with.

·        How are you finding your nursing degree so far, and what led you to study nursing?

I am loving my nursing degree as it allows me to study while also giving me the opportunity to learn skills hands on while on placement. What led me to study nursing was my passion for caring for others.

·        Have there been any highlights of your studies so far?

A highlight of mine is when you share a study unit with somebody, and you will either end up in the same unit the next tri or will end up seeing them at the same hospital when on placement.

The simulation hospital rooms and dummies at the Deakin Waterfront campus perfectly mimic a real hospital setting and allow the nursing students to safely learn new skills and develop their nursing practice.

·        What are some of the most rewarding things about your role as an RL?

Being able to run events and make connections with fellow resies, there's nothing more rewarding than having a ressie come to you for advice or just to have a good chat.

·        Tell us about life at Waterfront – what have been some of the highlights?

Living in the middle of everything is really convenient, the university, shopping centre, and beach are all within walking distance, not to mention living so close to the surf coast beach is very handy. Another highlight would be getting to know your roommates, developing an amazing relationship with your roomies can make your year so much fun.

·        What are you hoping to do once you finish your studies – any particular region or healthcare setting you’d like to work in?

I know I'm in my second year now, but I still can't quite decide which type of healthcare setting I'd like to work in. Placement has been very good in helping me narrow down the options as I have quite enjoyed ward nursing. Once I finish my grad year I would like to travel and work, whether that be around Australia or England I'm not too sure.

·        What advice would you give for students considering living on Res at Deakin and making the move from Sale?

It's worth the leap of faith. Traveling and living so far from family can be quite daunting, but here at Waterfront everybody is close like family. Your roommates, floormates, and RL's are all here for you and there's no better place to study than level 11 with that amazing afternoon waterfront view!

Want to see our Waterfront residences for yourself? Check out this video tour from two ressies of both our Geelong campuses.         

Written by

Profile photo of author Sam Johnstone
Sam Johnstone Manager, Experience and Engagement

Sam Johnstone is Manager, Experience and Engagement at Deakin Residential Services. With a background in engagement and student experience roles across Deakin and the wider Higher Education sector, Sam is passionate about supporting students to reach their full potential.

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