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Celebrating NAIDOC Week

  • Blog
  • 3 min read
  • Posted July 2024

At Deakin Res, we are committed to supporting Indigenous initiatives and fostering a culturally inclusive environment within our residential communities.

NAIDOC Week held from the 7th-14th July holds special significance for our community, especially for students who call our campuses home. It is a time to acknowledge the histories, cultures, and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and to engage in meaningful dialogue and activities that promote cultural awareness and understanding.

Throughout the course of the week, residents were invited to participate in an array of events, such as movie nights and meditative sessions, shared meals and storytelling.

We were particularly excited and honoured to welcome back First Nations artist Kiri Tawhai at both our Geelong and Burwood campuses, who lead art workshops and mindfulness sessions. Students participated in an art workshop guided by Kiri, exploring Indigenous art techniques and themes. Resi’s were also invited to share a meal and discuss their experiences and learnings.

Our Warrnambool residents enjoyed a unique opportunity to celebrate NAIDOC Week by visiting the Worn Gundidj Nursery. This excursion included a tour of the nursery where students will learn about native plants and bush tucker. Participants had the chance to pot a native plant to take home, ensuring a hands-on experience that connects them directly with the land. To sweeten the occasion, Indigenous ice-cream was available, adding a delicious twist to this educational outing.

These events aren’t just activities; they’re opportunities for students to engage meaningfully with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives, learn from Indigenous knowledge holders, and gain a deeper appreciation for the diverse cultures that enrich our campuses.

Together, we can celebrate diversity, honour tradition, and build stronger connections within our community.

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Profile photo of author Gel Klein-Boonschate
Gel Klein-Boonschate Senior Officer, Future Resident Engagement

Gel Kleinboonschate is the Senior Officer, Future Resident Engagement. Having worked in the Student Accommodation industry for nearly 8 years, specialising in student engagement and experience, Gel is passionate about ensuring all residents feel a sense of value and belonging.

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We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the unceded lands and waterways on which Deakin University does business. We pay our deep respect to the Ancestors and Elders of Wadawurrung Country, Eastern Maar Country and Wurundjeri Country where our physical campuses are located. We also acknowledge all First Nations Peoples that make contributions to our learning communities.

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